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illidan dota2,illidan dota2 - 小牛游戏



"How may I serve the goddess?" 我要如何侍奉女神?

"My watchers are ready." 我的守望者已经准备好了

"Moonlight shines upon the guilty and the innocent alike." 月光照耀在有罪者和无罪者的身上

"I am the blade of the goddess." 我就是女神之刃的化身

"We will find justice." 我们会主持公正

"Excercise stunning scenery? Heh, this beats prison duty any day." 见过那些让你头晕目眩的场景么?哈,那不过是监狱里每一天的日常工作而已

"I've spent so long underground, I had forgotten what the stars looked like." 我在地下生活了那么长时间,我都快忘记星星是什么样了

"I fear for Maiev, she feels responsible for Illidan's escape." 我真替玛维担心,她认为把跑掉的伊利丹抓回来是她的责任

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