Kenny Saylors的影视作品大全

百问中文整理了Kenny Saylors的影视作品合计7部,供您参考。


《面纱的泪水》2014年上映,评分6.7,导演Kenny Saylors,主演有Natalie Grant、K.P. Yohannan、Daniel Johnson等。简介:"Veil of Tears" is a documentary film that tells the untold story of millions of women in India who are culturally persecuted for no other reason than the fac……

2.《Facing the Fat》

《Facing the Fat》2008年上映,评分6.7,导演Kenny Saylors,主演有比尔·戈德堡、Kyle Saylors、Jeremy Gilbreath等。简介:Obesity has become one of the most overwhelming diseases in our modern society,even now considered to be of epidemic proportions. This documentary film dives……

3.《Hollywood on Fire》

《Hollywood on Fire》2008年上映,评分6.7,导演Kyle Saylors,主演有柯瑞·爱德华、丹泽尔·华盛顿、詹姆斯·卡维泽等。简介:This Feature length documentary chronicles the past,present and future of faith in the entertainment industry and it's influence in the world today.Written……


《噩幻》2007年上映,评分6.7,导演James P. Lay,主演有Jackie Kreisler、Shane Elliott、Mark Bernier等。简介:在拉斯维加斯和雷诺之间荒芜和倍受辐射污染的核试验梦幻之地-内华达山区陷入窘境,年轻女人Megan和Dylan停留在一家破旧的咖啡馆里打听几英里外神秘“51区”政府基地的秘密。在他们重新上路后,迪伦打开收音机……但唯一能接收到的是希特勒在1936年奥林匹克运动会上的讲话。突然车子抛锚,Megan,Dylan……

5.《An Animated Life:The Phil Roman Story》

《An Animated Life:The Phil Roman Story》2005年上映,导演Kenny Saylors、Kyle Saylors,主演有Phil Roman、Oleg Vidov、Rob Hudnut等。简介:This documentary details the life and career of Phil Roman,the legendary animator who is widely regarded as one of the most influential men in television anima……

6.《Israel and New Breed:Live from Another Level》

《Israel and New Breed:Live from Another Level》2004年初映,9.0分,导演Kenny Saylors、Kyle Saylors,由Israel Houghton、Aaron Lindsey、Martha Munizzi等主演。

7.《Almost Time》

《Almost Time》2002年初映,3.3分,导演Kenny Saylors、Kyle Saylors,由Kenny Saylors、Kyle Saylors、Chip Joslin等主演。

Kenny Saylors的影视作品大全